Back 1 Jan 2022 / MZ Blog, Wellness

Declutter Your Beauty Stash

Beauty Stash – Welcoming the new year is the perfect time to detox and declutter your beauty drawers.

What is the best way to organise your beauty drawers?

  1. Throw out expired products
    Lots of brands have their own recycling schemes so check ahead to make the process easier on you and the planet. If you come across any unopened products, consider donating to those struggling with hygiene poverty, Beauty Banks is a skincare equivalent to food banks.
  2. Clean your makeup applicators
    If you do your makeup every day, there’s a good chance that these applicators have a lot of bacteria and leftover makeup. Just use a non-toxic soap or MZ Skin Cleanse & Clarify to clean.
  3. Organisation is key
    For simplicity, it makes sense to keep all everyday skin products together, laid out on a tray or in a box or bag. When organising think in categories. Store skincare products together by type e.g. moisturisers, serums, SPF, masks, exfoliators etc.
Skin Advisor